Timothy originally worked as contemporary dancer before retraining as an Enclosure Assistant as part of the Government’s ReThink. ReSkill. ReBoot. program. Although Timothy's passion remains in the arts, he now enjoys working at The Great Zoo and his main duty includes cleaning the cage of a solitary chimpanzee, also called Timothy. Although they have never met, Timothy has grown quite fond of Timothy and feels that in some way…they are the same…


"First there was a crash and a rumble underground

Then sideways became upwards and upwards came down…”

This is a piece about connection. Inspired by the interconnectivity of the forest and its supportive networks, When Trees Fall explores the healing power of nature in times of loss and uncertainty. Trees, like us, have the capacity to communicate. They do this via their root systems which connect to a network of fungi. This symbiotic relationship forms a collaborative structure known as the mycorrhizal network, or the Wood Wide Web. But what happens when it breaks?